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Unrest in Libya? Can’t be!

I told you all that Egypt was just the beginning. Not to say that there were never uprisings prior to the recent events in Egypt, but the air is a little different now that Egyptian's overturned Mubarak. It's beginning to smell very revolution-like, don'tcha think?
The actions of new age Egyptians made people take notice. But I told you all that they would. Remember this post ? Yeah, well…
About Libya...
For most people, Libya's issues are just that—Libya's issues. However, much like Egypt, Libya's uprising says a lot about people all over the world. It says that we are uneasy and unsure. We are dealing with things that we thought were reserved for 'others' and not 'us'. In America, many  of 'us' are finding ourselves on government assistance-- something that we previously reserved strictly for 'them'. 'Us', the educated, hardworking American, could not possibly be in the grocery store using an EBT card to purchase our next meal. 'Us', the American Dream chaser, cannot possibly be unemployed, sitting in a home that is in danger of being seized by the bank to which we owe 12 months of mortgage payments. Life is changing and I think YOU ALL need to take notice.
Even with a resume as big as this, you still can't get a job.
Think about that.

Take long hard sniff of the air around you? I think the smell is getting stronger…revolution is in the air….

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