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Random thoughts—Violence vs. Non-violence


Have you ever wondered why Dr. King has a federal holiday in honor of his life's work? Have you ever been curious about why Dr. King was chosen instead of maybe Angela Davis or Marcus Garvey? Ever wondered?

I am not quite sure why Dr. King was chosen over others, though I do have my speculations. Amongst other things, I think Dr. King's presumed 'non-violent' stance in the midst of racial violence is one of the main reasons why about 1/3 of the businesses in America were closed yesterday in remembrance of his birthday.  Dr. King's presumed methodology works well with the need of black people to be complacent and non-reactionary in the face of violence against them. The powers that be can better implement their plan of control if there is no resistance to their efforts. While Dr. King's non-violent methodology is not as popular now as it once was, it is still an ideal; an ideal that works better than, let's say, that of Malcolm X or Huey Newton.

However, while it may sound good, there's one problem with Dr. King's supposed non-violent approach. IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.

If you are being violently attacked, it is in your best interest to fight back. A non-violent method of war is not going to work when someone is beating you to death.  Non-violence is not going to stop someone with a loaded rifle from shooting you in the head. No, it will not.

So what is a holiday like MLK Day really teaching us? Non-violence is all good and well but I want my kids to know the value of attacking first if they see that they are in a compromising violent situation. I will teach my child non-violence as a method of attach when they are in a non-violent situation. But, when placed in a violent situation, I think it is better for my child to use violence as their best method of attack. It may sound harsh but I'm in it to win it and I will teach my children the same thing.

So, am I saying that violence is the answer? Well, I guess it would depend on the question…

Just my thoughts of the day…Back to your regularly scheduled program…


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