I read a very short feature on newsone.com entitled "Is There a Conspiracy Against Black Women?" After reading it, I was a little shocked at how un-intersting it was. I understand that it was nothing more than a little opinionated blurb on a website but it didn't pull me in, not one bit. So, being the writer that I am, I decided to re-write it. And here it is...
Is There A Conspiracy Against Black Women?
I am sure that white people are getting a kick out of making themselves look good simply by making us (African Americans) look bad. They don't even have to come right out and say "I am better than you" like they used to, now all they have to do is throw around some random statistics that whisper inferiority complexes into our ears. At one point the incriminating focus was on the black male. Now, since ripping apart our black men did not lead us to complete failure, they have decided to attack the black woman. And here's how they do it—
They give statistics such as:
*By 2034, 100% of Black women will be overweight
*The Single Black Woman's median wealth amounts to $5
*48% of Black Women have the virus that causes herpes
*42% of Black women are not married
According to this information, things seem a bit bleak for black women right about now. Well, how do you think these statistics would change if, let's say, a team of black female social scientists were conducting the studies? Everyday there is biased information presented to the public with the sole purpose of promoting someone's ideas and/or beliefs. The given statistics are no different.
The scientists who give us these statistics and publish these stories have very little to gain by making black women appear successful, healthy and prominent. They do, however, have much to gain by inadvertently shedding a positive light on White America. Our president is black which is a clear indication that something has seriously gone wrong in their matrix. With strategic and categorical actions, they are trying to ensure that they never lose their place in this system. One way to do this is to disrepute the black female-- especially since they know that today's black community is highly unlikely to stand up for itself.So, is there a conspiracy against the Black Woman? Probably so. Is the conspiracy inevitable? You tell me…
I don't stick to statistics on any subject, to tell the truth. Stats come from studies that are done on a specific amount of people. It is a little absurd to me that scientists can study 1,000 people and come up with "1 in every XYZ have ABC". If they've only studied 1.000 people to support their theories and hypothesis then their outcome can only be based on THAT specific group of people. There is a very good chance that their numbers could change depending on them reviewing an entirely different group of people. So imagine if they review several large groups of people...this is where they are getting stats but there is no earthly way that they can use these stats as concrete facts for people they have not studied.
So, what stats add up to? Numbers that can be left up to one's own interpretation. These stats about Black women? Complete and utter foolywang.
Assertive Wit- I agree completely. All these stats that they are throwing around are insanely crazy. The sad part is that people believe them. Its so sad but its true. Again, just like I said in one of my other post- just because someone said it, doesn't make it true....
Um. . .okay. First, they would discredit a group of black female scientist, if a group could even be comprised, due to a conflict of interest, to say the least. Your statics sound intriguingly close to the truth. . . be careful before someone cites them as valid:) Lastly, statistics in essence, unless taken from the entire population, can not be use to make general statements about a given target population only the sample population. Often, statistics are perverted to be used to justify or explain certain actions, behaviours or circumstances which may be accurate or inaccurate. Statistics has its benefit you must have the access to them which can be obtained by going to the government website. For instance, there was this hypothesis floating around circa the 19th- 20th century that the bigger the brain the more intelligent the individual, which was recanted when Caucasian Americans discovered that African Americans had the larger brain or cranium size, on average. What was funny is after the statistics presented themselves to Caucasian Americans they had some idea that there brains were made more efficiently that is why their brains are smaller. You can manipulate the truth once you get it, but nonetheless it is still truth. Be aware to know what the stats are rather than how they are interpreted or manipulated.
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